Full Repertoire of shows

Here is the whole repertoire of interactive shows.

What grade do you want
the show for?

divadelní představení v angličtině pro děti, The Bear Theatre

Fair Bear

Fair Bear is for very young learners. It is set in the Colourful Hotel where there will be a dog competition.

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Jackie and the Giant

Jackie and the Giant is the story of a young girl, Jackie, who is running away from a bad giant (who only speaks English). The children in the audience have to help her.

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I Love My Phone

I Love My Phone uses songs, scenes, games, and a lot of interaction to look at the role that phones, video games, and social media are playing in our lives today.

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How to order
a show

Step One

The easiest way to start is to send us a short email decribing your situation, how many students you have, and what level they are. We will then write back with some concrete suggestions.

Step Two - What happens when we book an event?

Once we have agreed on a program, we will make a final confirmation by email. Then we will come to your school on the morning of the program about 45 minutes before the first show to prepare the set.

Step Three - What about payment?

Payment takes place after the show has been played. You can choose if you would like to pay by cash on the day of the shows (in which case you receive a stamped receipt), or if you would prefer to pay by invoice and bank transfer. Or we can do a combination of the two.

🎭Exciting, Captivating,
Unique 🎭

Experience the magic of live theatre with a  performance in your school.


For in-person shows, the school needs to provide the playing area (often a gym or a canteen). The minimum stage space that we need to play in is 5m across and 4 m deep (but more than that is better). The school is also responsible for seating the audience (chairs, benches, mats,on the floor etc). On our side, we may ask to borrow some school desks and chairs, but this will be agreed before the show day. Otherwise we are very independent and have everything we need with us.

The shows can be enjoyed without any special preparation. However, on booking the show, you will receive the basic preperation materials . These contain a few exercises and activities that you can do with your students before or after the show. We are working on expanding the materials to include interactive exercises online and video clips.

The shows are played by actors live on stage,and are very interactive. The actors talk directly to the audience and the audience have opportunities to answer questions, give their opinions and, in the case of younger students, even shout to the actors. The shows use sound teaching methodology and are also very entertaining indeed.


Email david@thebeartheatre.com
Phone +420 775592414